
Fedex door tag number check
Fedex door tag number check

fedex door tag number check

  • Adult Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at least 21 years old (and possessing the required government-issued photo ID) at the delivery address.
  • If no one is at the address, we will reattempt delivery either automatically or upon request.
  • Direct Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address.
  • Indirect Signature Required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address from a neighbor, building manager or someone at a neighboring address or the recipient can also leave a FedEx Door Tag authorizing release of the package without anyone present.
  • Others: All shipment travel activities are displayed in local time for the time zone selected.
  • Destination: All shipment travel activities are displayed in local time for the destination.
  • Origin: All shipment travel activities are displayed in local time for the origin.
  • Scan Local Time: All shipment travel activities are displayed in local time for the location.
  • Details: Provides additional information about the shipment or FedEx Office order.
  • Location: The city and state of the activity.
  • Activity: Displays activity of the shipment or FedEx Office order.
  • Date/Time: Reflects the local date and time.
  • To remove a shipment from your list, simply click on the remove shipment icon (x) on the tracking number displayed on the list. To remove a shipment from your watch list, simply click on the star again. You can access all the shipments that have been added to your watch list by clicking the tab with the star on the My Shipments section. The star icon will turn yellow to let you know the shipment has been added to your watch list. You can add shipments to your list at any time by simply clicking on the star icon on the tracking detailed results page. Shipments that are nicknamed will automatically be added to your saved shipments. You can use the same nickname on multiple shipments.

    fedex door tag number check

    After you nickname your shipment, it will show the new name along with the tracking number. Just click on the pencil icon on the tracking detailed results page. You can nickname your shipments to easily identify them.

    fedex door tag number check

    You can access a list of all your shipments by simply clicking the “Launch FedEx Tracking” button and signing up or logging in to FedEx Shipments that have encountered exceptions (clearance delays and delivery exceptions).Shipments added to your watch list or that have been nicknamed.Shipments delivering today or that are being delivered tomorrow.The My Shipments section will display your most important 30 tracking results once you are logged in, such as: Once you log in to, you will be asked to add these tracking results to your user ID so you can access them for up to 60 days. Tracking results will be saved in your browser cookie for up to 15 days or until you clear your browser cookies. Shipments you choose to save will display within the My Shipments section under “Track a Shipment.” These shipments can be a mix of tracking, door tag or FedEx Office order numbers. Simply click on the checkbox next to “Save tracking results” on the tracking detailed results page. Save time when tracking shipment status at by saving up to 30 tracking results. General Other delays not categorized as weather, operational, local event or customs clearance delays.The length of the delay will depend on when the package clears customs. The most common delays are caused by missing or incomplete documentation and/or Duties & Taxes owed. Customs Clearance: All import shipments must be released by customs (and sometimes other regulatory agencies) before FedEx can deliver.Patrick’s Day), and other events outside of FedEx control that delay delivery of the package. Local Events: Local events in the delivery area such as major sporting events, local holidays (e.g., Mardi Gras, St.Operational: Operational events at FedEx that delay delivery of the package.Weather: Weather or natural events outside of FedEx control such as snow, hurricane, fires, tornadoes, storms that delay delivery of the package.Clicking on the tracking number will bring up the tracking details screen, which will show more information on the shipment exception. You can access all shipment exceptions by clicking the tab with the red alert icon on the My Shipments section. Shipments that encounter exceptions such as clearance delays or delivery exceptions are highlighted in red to advise you when an exception occurs.

    Fedex door tag number check